
ACRF – Even in a pandemic, cancer treatment has to continue!

Image: Jo with her daughter Matilda

Even in a pandemic, cancer treatment has to continue! When Jo was diagnosed with a rare form of Uterine Cancer in 2016, she knew she was in for the fight of her life. During the next three years, as she faced round after round of gruelling treatment, cancer took over her family’s lives.

“Seeing doctors, visiting me in hospital, watching me having my special medicine – it all became normal to our little girl Matilda”

Unfortunately, Jo had to face the prospect of saying goodbye to her beloved partner and children; Eryn, Jake and five-year-old Matilda who would have to grow up without her mum.

Just when it looked like all hope was lost, after being told to go home and call the family to say good bye, Jo received an amazing lifeline. It came from a laboratory equipped by Australian Cancer Research Foundation (ACRF) for Professor Clare Scott and her team of unseen heroes, who analysed a biopsy of Jo’s tumour. Possible treatments were then modelled in the laboratory and the scientists were able to use this information to recommend a personalised, targeted treatment for Jo. Within five weeks of starting this personalised cancer treatment, Jo was back on her feet.



Workplace Giving Australia is proud to partner with Charity Task Force member Australian Cancer Research Foundation